Week Ten - My Five Senses

Your Senses by Helen Frost
Non-fiction text and photographs present the five senses, hearing, taste, touch, vision, and smell, and how they work together in the human body.

Explores how each of the five senses is hard at work all day long providing information, warning of danger, and helping us enjoy the world around us.

A young rabbit explores the world using his five senses. If you are a bunny, try a taste, take a gander, snuffle a sniff, relish a sound, and share a hug. Everything around is waiting. If you are a boy, or a girl, or a dog, or a kitty do like our friend Bunny. And enjoy.

A curious bunny looks for signs of the arrival of spring, in a story that celebrates the five senses.

Soft, gooey, fluffy, prickly―textures are all around us. What clever words will you use to describe the textures pictured in this book? Jane Brocket's appealing photography and simple, whimsical text give a fresh approach to a topic all young children learn about.


Theme: My Five Senses

Letter: Ee

Number: 9
Color: Red
Shape: Heart

"Joy in Any Season"

Activity Page
print page 4
